Anakhanda Mushaba

Mushaba Center

                   Mushaba Center
We are an Agency that caters to the training and development of a person’s whole self meaning body, mind and spirit. We are proficient in the training and development of a person’s mind and emotional state of being. Working with the mind, body and spirit of a person is what makes them whole and bring together the scattered elements of their lives so that they can work progressively to become “The Master of their own lives!” We focus on their total development and growth through two very vital factors:
  1. Their physical training and development. Getting the discipline of the body is also discipline of the mind. Through the physical exercises and various levels of the Martial Sciences being taught, a person learns to bring discipline to themselves that allows them the focus and have the concentrated effort needed to face their fears, discipline their mind to overcome negative habits.
  1. Their mental, spiritual and emotional training and development. Through the physical of the arts, a person is learning and developing the ability to gain mental and spiritual development and emotional balance over their mind, their thinking and their lives. They learn how to defeat the negative self chatter that does not support them in their growth and evolvement to being a person that strives to reach their fullest potential. Of course there is so much tied into this physical, mental, spiritual and emotional development that it is a very specific learning process and that caters to the needs of each individual because there is no one size fits all approach. This development is so vital to their overall self mastery. This also includes a very clear understanding and approach to their health. This is a vital element of their training that affects all the areas and levels of their development. Learning self worth regardless of their circumstance and knowing that they are not defined by their past actions is vital to their success a mastering their life and circumstances. It’s very important that they understand that it’s about “what you do now” that matters! Part of our teachings includes a workshop based on the book Mind over Illusions, called Alchemy and Transformation. This course teaches them how to see life from a new perspective. It helps to provide them with the necessary foundation that is the lynchpin to being able to succeed and be the master of their own destiny. They get to see potentials and possibilities that weren’t clear to them before.
How we do this is through the Martial Sciences. Martial Sciences is very comprehensive developmental training process.

Martial Science

The study of Martial Science includes the study of various levels of health, healing, development and evolvement on the physical/biological, mental/mind/thinking, emotional/psychological, and the spiritual. This also involves understanding how the subconscious mind, and the higher mind works. Being adept in the Mushaba Martial Sciences allows one to assist individuals in their development on all the aforementioned levels assisting them to awaken to a level of awareness that’s beyond the average understanding bringing greater self mastery to one’s life and to one’s self. Being a Master in the Mushaba Martial Sciences you are a teacher, a counselor, a healer, a philosopher and life coach. It’s more evolved than just teaching one to block, punch and kick. It’s a way of life. When it comes to life lessons, everyone is seeking answers for there is always a great deal of questions and we understand that there are certain questions that life needs to answer.

This involves understanding that healing occurs on many levels of a person’s being. It can be through physical, mental or emotional exercises, or through herbal and supplemental health, or it can be through spiritual evolvement, a combination of some, or all of the above. A professional in the Mushaba Martial Sciences is truly a teacher at heart and a guide along the pathway to assist others in achieving their goals and reach new heights.  A Master of the Mushaba Martial Sciences understands energy, vibrations, and frequencies and knows how to tune into one’s soul and spirit. They know how to tune into the other side of the veil or into the universal energy pool of knowledge and wisdom and extract whatever creative forces are needed to perform their service. Those that are Masters of the Mushaba Martial Sciences have put in many years of study training, practice, teachings and actual hands on service. They are very knowledgeable and highly skilled professional teachers and practitioners.


Dr. Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba

Dr. of Mushaba Martial Sciences

Grandkhan of Mushaba Martial Artistry of Power and Beauty

Grandkhan Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba is the founder and creator of the Mushaba Martial Artistry of Power and Beauty. He studied under the great late renowned Dr. Moses Powell Sauces Eye to Eye Ju-jitsu. He also studied under Dr. Moses Powell’s teacher the great late Grand Professor Vee achieving the rank and titles of Senior Grandmaster 10th Dan under Dr. Moses Powell and Senior Master under the late Grand Professor Vee. 

The study of The Martial Sciences has always been a love for the Grandkhan. He deeply involved himself in the study and development of his knowledge of healing on many levels, health, counseling, and life coaching. He is a teacher of spirituality conducting workshops and seminars on various spiritual developments. He is an author who has written 22 books. One book in particular that is a foundation book for development and learning to master one’s self is called Mind over Illusion- Change Your Thinking-Change Your Life. It has so many gems of wisdom in it and one in particular is how to give one’s ego a new job description which allows the ego to work for you instead of against you. It gets down to the nitty gritty of self development where the rubber meets the road!         

The life and works of Grandkhan Dr. Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba began when he was 5 years old when he had a vision that opened like a movie screen on the ceiling of his room. He was shown his future and what events would transpire in his life. One of the main influences would be his training in the Martial Arts. The reason is because of the physical and mental discipline it offered which would be vital to his spiritual development. As the innovator and Grandkhan behind Mushaba Martial Artistry of Power and Beauty, Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba has dedicated his life to teaching people the many physical, mental and spiritual benefits of the Mushaba Wisdoms. He at age 28 became the youngest Grandmaster of the Martial arts system Sanuces Eye to Eye. Mushaba has developed his own unique system of teaching and training. The Mushaba Teachings enhances mental, physical and spiritual health by facilitating harmony and balance of the body and mind, creating an altered state of awareness where one can access their own innate power within. Mushaba went on to become a member of the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame as he was inducted into the Hall Of Fame on several occasions. He is a master teacher of Mushaba Esoteric Movements of Life and sound using a combination of movement and breathing techniques that uses the energies of Mother Earth and the universe to the advantage of the body and mind.

GrandKhan Mushaba studied the Law of Attraction theory or what was being called “The Secret,” which is based on the belief that positive thinking is the key to achieving happiness and success. However, during his studies, Mushaba realized that positive thinking is not enough. As he explains in his book, Mind Over Illusion: Change your thinking-Change your Life,

“A person’s thinking has the power to either free them, or enslave them.”

Mushaba’s motivation to write Mind over Illusion stemmed from a desire to help readers facilitate the flow of positive energy by removing the mental and spiritual obstacles they themselves create, which prevent them from succeeding in a variety of major life arenas. In addition to working as a full-time teacher, author, and lecturer, Mushaba teachers workshops, seminars and training in the various Mushaba disciplines and is a minister of spiritual, esoteric and energetic healing.

Grand Khan Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba is a Supreme Grandmaster of the Mushaba Energy Disciplines. He is an Author and teacher of Spiritual and Mental disciplines, a life coach, a personal health and fitness trainer. He has been involved in the science of martial artistry for approximately 2 years to date. By age 10, he became a black belt of adult standards far beyond that of a child, and was a natural at what he did as he was born embodied with the knowledge and ability of martial arts. It was at age 10 when he first met Dr. Moses Powell who was to become one his teacher until his death on January 22, 2005. Dr. Mushaba is one of the originals from both the old and new school of Sanuces Ryu Eye To Eye Jiu-jitsu.

He consistently created and evolved over the years to develop firstly the Mushaba Ryu , then the Mushaba System of martial arts, that later become the Mushaba Martial Artistry of Power and Beauty (MMAPB). He always felt that there were more to the martial arts than what was being offered. The MMAPB includes the spiritual, mental, and energetics of using the force, and the knowledge of the martial artistry, giving them a solid foundation to pursue and obtain their life goals. It is about changing one’s life to become the best possible version of themselves that they can achieve.

He has been given many honors an awards over the years which was very nice, but the greatest reward for him has always been the life changing service he was able to provide through his teaching. He had the pleasure of appearing in the documentary film called “Warriors Within” which featured such notables as Dr. Moses Powell, Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and many others. He performed at the Aaron Banks Oriental World of Martial Arts on two occasions along with Dr. Moses Powell, and also on the same stage with Bruce Lee who came back stage after the performance to compliment Dr. Powell and Grand Khan Mushaba on their skills. Bruce Lee also stated that he wanted to train privately with them after he finished filming The Game of Death.

Anakhanda Mushaba was 28 when he became the Grand Khan of the Mushaba Martial Artistry of Power and Beauty. He began teaching at the age of 14, showing impeccable skills and remarkable ability to display his martial artistry movements. He was also included in an addition of who’s who in the martial arts in the late 90’s. He has taught in many places within the US and overseas.

Grand Khan Mushaba has taught United States Treasury Agents, the Panamanian Defense Forces hand to hand combat and instruments of fine tuning (Martial arts weapons). He has as well privately worked with Law Enforcements officers, and undercover agents.

Aleem Mushaba

Aleem Mushaba

Senior Master of the Mushaba Martial Sciences

Grand-Dahm of Mushaba Martial Artistry of Power and Beauty

Grand Dahm Aleem Mushaba mastered the art at a very young age and is an excellent and proficient teacher of the Mushaba Martial Artistry of Power and Beauty. He began teaching at the age of 12, teaching both children and adults. His skills and wisdom have exceeded the expectations of his peers, and it shows in his ability to offer sagged advice and guidance to all that he touches through his teaching. He is very skilled and proficient at teaching fight choreography for films, television and exhibitions. A teacher of the Martial artistry of Power and beauty is not only a teacher of classes, but a teacher of life and also a healer of both body and mind. He has mastered the Mushaba Martial Sciences attaining the highest level possible before becoming a Grandkhan. A Grand-Dahm can be compared to a Senior Master but with knowledge and wisdom far beyond. He has dedicated his life to this study and has served many people through his teachings, counseling and as a life advisor. He was inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame and also the Sanuces-Mushaba-Universal Hall of Fame. He has a uniqueness of movement as you watch him perform his Martial Artistry skills at a level far beyond physical perfection while tapping into the spiritual creative forces of the universal pool of knowledge that simply flows in his every move. He is also a Holistic, Health and Wellness Practitioner and Health consultant. He is one to always give of himself to help those see the positive light and strengths that they have, and to support them in any way that he can.


Karriem Mushaba

Senior Master of the Mushaba Martial Sciences

Grand-Dahm of Mushaba Martial Artistry of Power and Beauty

Grand Dahm Karriem Mushaba is very connected to the energy and spiritual aspect of the art. He accomplished his masterful skills at a young age and has been teaching since a young age. His precise movements and decisive skill level is a testament to his proficient ability to teach and display the Martial Artistry of Power and Beauty. His teachings follow him throughout life as he offers the inner wisdoms to all that seeks him out. He is very skillful and proficient at teaching fight choreography for films, television and exhibitions. A teacher of the Martial artistry of Power and beauty is not only a teacher of classes, but a teacher of life and also a healer of both body and mind. He has mastered the Mushaba Martial Sciences attaining the highest level possible before becoming a Grandkhan. A Grand-Dahm can be compared to a Senior Master but with knowledge and wisdom far beyond. He has dedicated his life to this study and has served many people through his teachings, counseling and as a life advisor. He was inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall of Fame and also the Sanuces-Mushaba-Universal Hall of Fame. Watching him perform his martial Artistry skills is like watching pure poetry in motion! You can see him as his state of mind and awareness shifts into that of an altered state of existence tuning into his natural ability and being fed by the spiritual creative forces of the universal pool of knowledge.

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