Kenarles Prince

Kenarles Prince

As COO of Roots of the HEART International Foundation, I am responsible for managing the logistics associated with running the organization and carrying out all of this foundations essential duties. Which duties include bit are not limited to creating an employee taxonomy and management structure, auditing various workplace processes and implementing new strategies to improve efficiency and communication across all parts of our transition program distribution chain.

Our goal is to transition these men back to society using our alcohol and substance abuse treatment programs.
Chief Operating Officers work for large organizations as part of their executive structure to ensure that the entire business structure can collaborate effectively and meet goals according to an overarching timeline and budget. I oversee the administrative roles in our organization, managing communications channels, supply chain steps and the overall taxonomy of our foundation. As Chief Operating Officer I will effectively delegate production, marketing and sales tasks to core teams while maintaining relationships with other business/foundation partners, vendors and distributors. My immediate role is to keep a foundation key functions running smoothly by planning out the implementation of each smaller task that contributes to ROTH’s purpose.

Participate in regular team and individual consultation meetings with Behavioral Health Clinician and Disciplinary Director and other staff working parties. As well as day-to-day oversight of ROTH Home I am director of both transitional living programs and rapid rehousing program to locate gainful employment as well as getting new citizens acclimated back to society and their families. Both short and long term disabilities is my responsibility in the complete operation of a living environment. Overseeing our staff,
security and every aspect of the home.

Responsibilities and Qualifications:
XVI. New Citizen counselling and rehabilitation
XVII. Coordinator for placement with homeless
XVIII. Service provider and organizer to feed and distribute supplies
XIX. One on one with at risk children
XX. Minister – 2 years
XXI. Leadership and communication skills
XXII. Assistant with: AA and NA
XXIII. Oversee day-to-day operations, human resources and sales.
XXIV. Oversee planning, maintenance and efficiency.
XXV. Prepare operational reports and management reports.
XXVI. Business owner – 20 years
XXVII. Teaching self defence to build confidence
XXVIII. Developer/Residential and Commercial
XXIX. Responsibility of securing in the area of housing
XXX. Administration manager
XXXI. Oversee operational policies and procedures.
XXXII. Ensure compliance for ROTH, on a state and federal level.
XXXIII. Drive sustainable growth and minimize losses.
XXXIV. Head outreach and organizational business relations.
XXXV. Review budgets and staffing.
XXXVI. Solid understanding of staff management, industry specifics and business
XXXVII. Excellent problem-solving and critical-thinking skills
XXXVIII. Superior management and interpersonal skills
XXXIX. Ability to remain calm and focused in stressful situations

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