“I will be honest with myself, for myself, about myself, to find healing and help for myself. I, will commit to read this book with patience and understanding while I take notes and refer to those notes, when I have completed this material to continue my mission; to help myself, before I can help others. I realize that I may or may not have been a victim of abuse and I desire to get help needed to set the record straight. I love myself, in whatever state I am in, I love who I am, enough to change, for a better me. I like myself, I like every area of my body, mind, soul and emotion, even if I’m not always pleased with me. I love the way that I was created, flaws and all, I love me. I will get understanding concerning other people that may or may not have mistreated me, by not understanding who I am and what my true purpose is. They just didn’t know. Understanding that some hurts and pains were from individuals that were hurting themselves. I will not judge others so that I am not judged. I will study the real person inside of me, even if it hurts. I will discover why I am still here.
I will put forth the effort, a determined attempt to better who I am, today and each day forward. I will continuously work on me daily. I know that I am not perfect, I am not a robot. I am not a stepping stone. I am not a doormat. I am not a play toy for sex only. I am not a punching bag. I am not an outlet for profanity or verbal abuse. I am not a garbage can for him or her. I am not a person of vengeance. I am not a liar. I am not an accuser.
We are stronger together.
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